FORCED: Bangladesh
25 minute multimedia documentary multimedia by ALTAMAR.

South East Asia is by far the region where slavery is most thriving and culturally complex.
This 25 minute short multimedia documentary film presents the reality of child labour in Bangladesh. From striking images of boys collecting garbage and working in brick factories, through to the intimate testimonies of girls who work as sex workers in one of Bangladesh’s largest brothels, working children are an integral part of the economy.
Boys comprise about three-quarters of all working children in Bangladesh, many working in hazardous jobs such as in brick factories or as rickshaw pullers. Working girls are more often to be found in „hidden“ jobs, such as domestic labour or as sex workers, where they are particularly vulnerable because they work behind closed doors.
The sex market is expanding at an unprecedented pace and touching every strata of society. Over the last decade thousands of Bangladeshi girls were lured under false circumstances and sold into the sex industries in different countries including Bangladesh.